Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How to Pick a Major

           There are so many hurdles that students have to face in the course of their studies in campus. There are very many instances where a student indeed has to make decision over what to do and what not to do if he is to succeed in the course of his life. Somebody once said that success is something that is not a one-time thing per se but rather a thing that is a process that is made up of tiny decisions that have to made right from the word go.

            From the high school level-or lower in some cases-students always have to make a choice of what they want to pursue in the course of their campus lives and they have to stick by it. As you might expect that is never an easy decision to make, considering the fact that students at that stage always don’t know much about what is expected of them in real life. When they get to campus students always have to make a decision over the major they are to pursue and what have you.

            In case you have never realized that is one of the most difficult decisions to make, considering that one is never sure about what he is comfortable with and what the future holds for them. I would like to think that before choosing a major a student should look at which of the two disciplines he is choosing from he is more comfortable with and where does he plan to be in future in a career sense. If the two questions are conclusively answered then a student shouldn't struggle to pick a major or a minor. 

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